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Higher Technical School of Industrial and ICT Engineering

End-of-degree (TFG) project

You must register for the TFG as any other subject within the regular registration period. Registration entitles students to defend their project on each of the three calls there are every year.

You choose the topic of my TFG, and any lecturer of the School may supervise it. Once you have registered for the TFG, you have two options:

  1. Decide your TFG with a Faculty lecturer (or several, if it is a jointly supervised project).
    • Get in touch with a lecturer and suggest a topic.
    • If they agree, you must fill in the proposal form if the agreement is recorded and, therefore, the TFG attributed. You may fill in the form at any point during the year
  2. Choose a topic and a supervisor from a list of possibilities for your degree:

Contact your tutor to begin your TFG and get to work. The project may be carried out at a university lab, at a company or an NGO. Agree with your tutor the way to work and, in periodical meetings, they will guide you on how to work on the TFG (structure of the topic to be developed, technical issues, or how to approach the report).

In the TFG proposal you must have defined the work to be carried out, your goals and tasks planned to be implemented. If during the development of the TFG unexpected issues which make it differ from the proposal arise, an updated proposal must be written. The student and project supervisor must sign it again.

Documentation and submission

Once you finish your TFG, you must fill in the publication registration/authorisation form, with the approval of the supervisor of your project. There are three preferential periods to defend TFGs - February, June and September. You must register in January or May, depending on your chosen presentation date.

Within the defence periods, each department will choose the defence date they deem appropriate. You will be informed of the specific day by the department, and in some occasions you may decide it with your project supervisor.

Besides, you must submit the report to MiAulario, on the site corresponding to the subject End-of-degree project, in order to be able to defend it. You must upload it, with PDF format, to the “espacio compartido (shared area)” section. When applicable, the report must be accompanied by all the documents related (plan, etc). The TFG must follow the following recommendations to be presented:

Afterwards, the project must be defended before a tribunal. To do so a presentation is recommended (powerpoint or the like).

The TFG may be written and/or defended in a different language provided it is agreed so with the supervisor of the project and their department approves it. In some degrees, as well as in international programmes, the TFG defence in a foreign language is a specific requirement, so in these cases it will be mandatory.


End-of-degree project
Procedure Date Place
Enrolment Ordinary period Online

Approved by the TFG supervisor
At the beginning of the project Submission: Department Secretary’s office

Approved by the TFG supervisor

*More information TFG with the Engineering Department
Submission: Department Secretary’s office
Submission of report Once registration is done MiAulario
(check with the department whether it is necessary to submit a paper copy or not)


16-20 January 2023

29 May - 9 June 2023

1-8 September 2023

*More information TFG with the Engineering Department
**The indicated periods are preferential. Check date, time and place for defence with the TFG supervisor.

The project must be defended before a tribunal, which will be responsible for assessing it.

Time and date of the defence will be communicated to the student once registration is done.

The person in charge of your mobility will act as supervisor at UPNA for administrative purposes, but your real tutor (who will supervise you throughout your project) will be a lecturer from the host university. The person in charge of your mobility can help you contact some lecturers at your host university.

You do not need to make an EFG proposal, unless the person in charge of your mobility requests so.

The project must be defended at the host university.

You must submit the project report, as well as the rest of the TFG. In all cases you must submit a copy of your TFG at UPNA. You must submit this copy through MiAulario, on the site corresponding to the subject End-of-degree project (PDF format, on the “espacio compartido (shared area)” section. If the host university does not wish the project to be published, you must fill in the registration/publication form , stating that your report must remain confidential.

In the case of TFG carried out during a stay abroad, UPNA’s submission deadlines are not applicable.