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Castellano Euskera

Universidad Pública de Navarra

Wednesday, May 22

BMOI Seminar

BMOI project

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Transforming Business Models

BMOI project (Business Models for Open Innovation) is a subproject of the EURIS program (www.euris-programme.eu), whose aim is to help companies to transform their business models so that they can take full advantage of open innovation, which puts together inside and outside knowledge when dealing with R&D strategies.

Throughout open innovation, companies interact and collaborate with outside parties to foster innovation, and they create value both for the product and the clients, and also for society as a whole. BMOI project tries that companies take advantage of these interactions and focuses on the idea of business model, that is, the activities, resources and proposals that contribute to create value.

The Public University of Navarre collaborates with the TU/e Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands) and with the University of Stuttgart (Germany) in the development of this project, which covers activities in these three European regions.

More information: http://bmoi.euris-programme.eu/

Accesos adicionales:

  • Public University of Navarre - Arrosadia Campus - 31006 Pamplona - Phone: +34 948 169000 - Fax: +34 948 169169