Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2024/2025 | Previous academic years:  2023/2024  |  2022/2023  |  2021/2022  |  2020/2021 
Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 252405 Subject title: FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Mandatory Year: 2 Period: 2º S
Department: Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación
GUBIA VILLABONA, EUGENIO (Resp)   [Mentoring ] ACEDO SANCHEZ, JORGE   [Mentoring ]

Partes de este texto:


Module/Subject matter

Module: Common Industrial Education (MFC)
Subject matter: Electronics and Automation



  • Introduction to the economic and social relevance of the electronics
  • Introduction to semiconductor materials and the manufacturing techniques of ICs.
  • Basic electronic devices.
  • Analysis and design of analog signal circuits.
  • Introduction to digital electronics
  • Logic gates
  • Indroduction to power electronics.
  • Diode rectifiers and half-bridge inverters.
  • Industrial applications


General proficiencies

  • CB2: The students should be able to apply their knowledge to their job in a professional way and they should have the proficiencies required to elaborate and defend their job using arguments and solve problems within their area of expertise.
  • CB4: The students should be able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to an specialized or a general audience.
  • GG1: Ability to write, sign and develop problems
  • GG2: Ability to manage activities involved in projects
  • CG3: Knowledge of the basic and technological skills that prepare the student to learn new theories and methods, and provide the student with the necessary versatility to adapt to new situations.
  • CG4: Ability to solve problems with initiative, decision making, creativity, critical thinking and to communicate and transmit knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of industrial engineering.
  • CG5: Knowledge to perform measurements, calculations, assessments, appraisals, surveys, studies, reports, work plans and similar work
  • CG10: Ability to work in a multilingual and multidisciplinary environment.


Specific proficiencies

  • CC5: Possess knowledge in fundamentals of electronics.
  • CC9: Possess basic knowledge of the production and manufacturing processes


Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the students are capable of:

  • R1: Describe and explain the basic operation principles of the fundamental electronic devices.
  • R2: Extract the main operation parameters of the electronic components from their commercial datasheets.
  • R3: Design electronic applications using diodes, transistors, operational amplifiers and other analog integrated circuits.
  • R4: know the fundamentals of the binary codification of information.
  • R5: know the fundamentals of the logic gates.
  • R6: Understand the diode rectifier and the half-bridge inverter.
  • R7: Understand and know the characteristics and basic limitations of analog, digital and power circuits.
  • R8: Break down complex problems into basic functional blocks that can be easily implemented with electronic circuits.
  • R9: Know the basic manufacturing processes in engineering.
  • R10: Know the manufacturing processes and materials used in the fabrication of electronic circuits and ICs.




Methodology- Activity Class hours  Self-study
A-1 Classroom lectures 46  
A-2 Laboratory sessions 14 14
A-3 Debates, presentations, group work   10
A-4  Paper writting   17
A-5 Reading    
A-6 Self-study   40
A-7 Exams 3  
A-8 Office hours    6
Total 63 87




Weight (%) It allows
test resit
required grade
R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10 Long-answer exam. If the student don't  get the minimum required grade, the final mark of the whole course will be 4.9  40 yes 5/10
R3, R8 Project and report. The project and the report should be presented within the mandatory deadline. If the student don't fulfill this requirement, or get the minimum required grade, the final mark of the whole course will be 4.9 50 yes 5/10
R2, R3, R7, R8 Experimental work exam. The assistance to the laboratory sessions is mandatory, as well as the prior preparation of the design exercises proposed. If the student don't fulfill this requirement, the final mark of the whole course will be 4.9 10 yes 4/10

If the grade in one item is below the required minimum grade, the final grade of the course will be the average of all the items with a maximum of 4.9/10.



  • Lecture 1. Introduction
  • Lecture 2. Diodes
    • 2.1 Introduction
    • 2.2 P-N junctions.
    • 2.3 Manufacturing techniques
    • 2.4 Rectifying diodes,
    • 2.5 LED, Zener y Photodiodes.
  • Lecture 3.Transistors
    • 3.1 Bipolar Transistor
    • 3.2 Field-Effect Transistor.
  • Lecture 4. Analog Electronics
    • 4.1.Introduction
    • 4.2 The Operational Amplifier
    • 4.3 Linear and non-linear applications of the OA.
    • 4.5 IC manufacturing techniques
  • Lecure 5. Digital Electronics
    • 5.1 Introduction
    • 5.2 Binary codification of information
    • 5.3 Basic components of programmable digital systems
    • 5.4 Logic families
    • 5.4 A/D and D/A converters
    • 5.5 Industrial applications
  • Lecture 6. Power electronics
    • 6.1 Introduction to power electronics.
    • 6.2 Introduction to switched converters.
    • 6.3 Linear power amplifiers and regulators.
    • 6.4 Industrial applications



Experimental practice program

  • Simulation session:
    • Session 0. On-line introduction to LTSPICE electronic circuit simulator
  • Laboratory sessions:
    • Session 1. Circuits using diodes
    • Session 2. Transistors used as switches
    • Session 3. Operational amplifier: voltage follower and amplifiers.
    • Session 4. Hysteresis comparator circuit with OA.
    • Session 5. Laboratory instrumentation.
    • Session 6. LPF with OA.
    • Session 7. Analog/Digital and Digital/Analog conversions.



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.


At the beginning of the course there is a full description of the documents and bibliography that is recommended and used in this subject.

Course guide compilation:
This document is elaborated by the lecturers of the course and it is recommended as the official Course Guide. This document will be available for every student.



  • - Circuitos Electrónicos. Análisis, Simulación y Diseño. Norbet R. Malik. Prentice Hall 1996. Traducido de Electronic Circuits. Analysis, Simulation & Design.
  • - Microelectronic Circuits. Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith. Oxford University Press. 1998.
  • - Thomas L. Floyd; ¿Fundamentos de sistemas digitales¿, PRENTICE HALL
  • - Mohand, Undeland, Robbins; ¿Power electronics : Converters, applications, and design¿, WILEY






  • Theory: lecture room at ¿El Aulario¿, Campus Arrosadía
  • Laboratory: Basic Electronic Laboratory, 1st floor of the ¿Los Tejos¿ building (Electric and Electronic Engineering Department.
  • Ocasionally some lectures may take place in a computer room.
