Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2020/2021 | Previous academic years:  2019/2020  |  2018/2019  |  2017/2018  |  2016/2017 
Bachelor's degree in Law at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 351703 Subject title: INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY AND ANTITRUST LAW
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Optative Year: 4 Period: 1º S
Department: Derecho

Partes de este texto:


Module/Subject matter

Private and Business Law/ Business Law and Management: industrial property and competition.



  1. Effective Competition as the cornerstone of the market
  2. The protection of competition in the EU and Spanish Competition Law
    1. Anticompetitive acts
    2. Merger Control
    3. Public Aids
  3. Basic ideas of industrial property rights and its links with free competition
  4. Unfair practices in Competition: Spanish legislation


General proficiencies

1.- The general proficiencies to be acquired by the student are:

  • Oral and written abilities in communication
  • Critical thinking ability
  • Independent learning ability


Specific proficiencies

The specific proficiencies to be acquired by the student are:
a) Cognitive

  • Acquisition of knowledge in the following areas:
  • Antitrust legal system in EU and Spain
  • Antitrust and industrial property rights
  • Unfair competition legal system

b) Instrumental abilities:

  • Ability to understand and contextualize the legal competition system
  • Ability to apply legal rules in competition
  • Ability to use specific legal language in competition
  • Ability to evaluate different solutions to different competition problems

c) Attitudinal:

  • Assume the role of legal institutions as vehicles to achieve solutions both fair and efficient solutions


Learning outcomes

Students should be able to:

-Communicate correctly orally and in writing clearly and using the precise terminology 

-Reason critically to reach own conclusions

-Know intellectual property rights and the rules governing competition

-Be able to solve legal problems on industrial property and to draft and present opinions on the matter.



Methodology  Number of hours for lectures  Number of hours for personal work
A-1 Lecture 45  
A-2 Practical activity in the classroom 15 15
A-3 Discussion and debate, seminars, tutorial in groups   10
A-4 Preparation of paper and presentations   10
A-5 Reading legal material   10
A-6 Personal study   49
A-7 Exams, evalulation tests 2  
A-8 Personal tutorials 4  








Resultado de aprendizaje Sistema de evaluación Peso (%)          
Carácter recuperable      
 R91, R177,R94,R202  Control of attendance  5%  No
 R91, R177,R94,R202  Written exam. The exam shall show the different notions and knowledge acquired by the student One written exam in each of the parts.  50% Nota minima = 5/10  Recuperable mediante prueba escrita
 R91, R177,R94,R202  Individual work. The work shall show how the student's ability for the  analysis, development or application to real or invented cases  35%  Recuperable mediante prueba escrita
 R91, R177,R94,R202 Oral presentacion of an individual work done by the student, debate and discussion in the class  10%  No recuperable






  2. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS  4.1. Types of Intellectual Property Rights 4.2. Limits to the exercise of IPR. The exhaustion principle. Infringements of IPR and remedies to the infringements.
  3. UNFAIR PRACTICES IN COMPETITION 1. National Regulation. 2 Spanish Law. 3 General Clause. 4. Different Types of Unfair Practices. 5. Unfair Practices and Consumers 5.6 Actions against Unfair Practices.
  4.  EUROPEAN COMPETITION LAW 1. Sources of Law 2. The TFEU Provisions on Competition: art. 101 to 109; the enforcement of EU competition law; EU level, national level 3. Anticompetitive Agreements:Decisions and Concerted Practices;  Abuses of Dominant Position; The Enforcement of Art. 101 And 102: Regulation 1/2003; Claims for Damages; 4. Public Aids. 5. Merger Control. 
  5. SPANISH COMPETITION LAW.  1. Anticompetitive Practices. 2. Merger Control. 3. The Enforcement of Spanish Competition Law.  
  6. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND COMPETITION LAW: The exhaustion principle. Limits on the Exercise of Industrial Property Rights under the EU Treaties. The Technology Transfer Block Exemption Regulation 



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

There is no text book especially useful for the subject. The contents and agenda can be learn from the bibliography.

It is absolutely necessary the use of European and  Spanish legislation: Spanish legislation on competition: Ley de Defensa de la Competencia, Reglamento de Defensa de la Competencia; Spanish legislation on Industrial Property: Ley de marcas, Ley de patentes, Ley de diseño industrial.

UE Treaties and regulations in competition: can be found in; Spanish unfair competition law:

Ley de Competencia Desleal

Spanish legislation translated to english can be found in:


Oficina española de patentes y marcas:

Oficina de armonización del mercado interior:

Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia:

Comisión Europea (competencia):

World Intellectual Property Organization

European Commission (competition)



Prof. Pablo Romero has elaborated a Notes on PI and Competion Law that will be distributed to the students

Complementary readings:

BERCOVITZ RODRÍGUEZ-CANO, A., Apuntes de Derecho mercantil: Derecho mercantil, Derecho de la competencia y propiedad industrial, Aranzadi, 2019.

BERCOVITZ RODRÍGUEZ-CANO, A. (dir.), Comentarios a la Ley de Competencia Desleal, Aranzadi,  2011.

BERCOVITZ RODRÍGUEZ-CANO, A. (dir.), GARCÍA-CRUCES GONZÁLEZ, J. A. (dir. adjunto), Comentarios a la Ley de Marcas, Aranzadi, 2008.

FERNÁNDEZ-NÓVOA, C., Tratado sobre derecho de marcas, Marcial Pons, 2004. 

FERNÁNDEZ-NÓVOA, C., OTERO LASTRES, J. M., BOTANA AGRA, J. M., Manual de la Propiedad Industrial, Marcial Pons, 2017.

LÁZARO SÁNCHEZ, E. J. (coord.), Comentario a la Ley General de Publicidad, Civitas, 2009. 

MARTÍNEZ SANZ, F. (dir.), Comentario práctico a la Ley de competencia desleal, Tecnos, Madrid, 2009.

MASSAGUER FUENTES, J., El nuevo derecho contra la competencia desleal: la Directiva 2005/29/CE sobre prácticas comerciales desleales, Civitas, 2006.

- Comentario a la Ley de competencia desleal, Civitas, 1999.

MASSAGUER FUENTES, J.,  GUTIERREZ, A., FOLGUERA CRESPO, J. y SALA ARQUER, J. M., (dirs.), Comentario a la Ley de Defensa de la Competencia, Civitas, 2017.

TATO PLAZA, A., FERNÁNDEZ CARBALLO-CALERO, P., HERRERA PETRUS, C., La reforma de la Ley de Competencia Desleal, La Ley, 2010.




To be detailed in the Faculty webpage.
