Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2020/2021 | Previous academic years:  2019/2020  |  2018/2019  |  2017/2018 
Bachelor's degree in Primary Education at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Basic Year: 1 Period: 1º S
Department: Sociología y Trabajo Social

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Module/Subject matter

Basic training / Sociology



The sense of the subject in the curriculum is to seek a "sociological look" (a tool) for the analysis of the most relevant issues of today's society. It will be on the one hand, to help recognize and correct the narrow particularism that often tied the "common-sense" views on the world and the coexistence we acquired in the random course of the early stages of the process of socialization and personal development But also to learn 1) to look at the world from sociology, 2) to look at the future profession from sociology.


General proficiencies

2.1 Basic Proficiencies

BP3 - Students are able to compile and interpret relevant information (normally within their area of study) in order to voice opinions which include reflection on relevant themes of a social, scientific or ethical nature.

BP4 - Students are able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.

2.2. General Proficiencies

GP4 - To design and regulate learning spaces in contexts characterised by diversity which attend to the gender equality, fairness and respect for human rights which underpin the values of education in citizenship.

GP7 - To collaborate with the different sectors of the educational community and social environment. To accept the educational dimension of the teaching profession and promote democratic education for active citizenship.

GP8 -To maintain a critical, independent relationship with respect to knowledge, values and social institutions, both private and public.

GP9 - To value both individual and collective responsibility in the achievement of a sustainable future.

2.3. Transverse Proficiencies

TP2 - To demonstrate a level of competence in Spanish and, where appropriate, Basque equivalent to the C1 level of the Council of Europe¿s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


Specific proficiencies

SP3 - To encourage reading and the critical commentary of texts from the different scientific and cultural fields. To express themselves correctly both orally and in writing, and to master language learning situations in contexts of diversity.

SP4 - To design and regulate learning spaces in contexts of diversity which are multicultural and multilingual. To attend to the unique needs of schoolchildren, gender equality, fairness, respect and human rights.

SP5 - To reflect in depth on learning contexts and contexts of coexistence in schools, the acceptance of standards, consistency, personal discipline and respect for others.

SP8 -To maintain a critical, independent relationship with respect to knowledge, values and the institutions involved in education.

SP9 - To acquire autonomous and cooperative learning habits and skills in order to encourage the active involvement of schoolchildren in their social and personal development.

SP11 - To be familiar with the educational implications of Information and Communication Technology.

SP14 - To contextualise teaching work in the face of political, social and pedagogical changes, and to foster democratic education and the development of active citizenship to achieve a sustainable future.



Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes are the realization of the skills that students acquire in the matter. Three levels are


- Optimal level: 100% acquisition of skills and expertise in at least 75% of them.

- Standard or medium level: acquisition of the majority of the alleged relevant powers and expertise in

those aspects contributing to the specific competencies of the title.

- Deficient Level: Insufficient acquisition of the aspects contributing to the specific competencies of the


A student gets a grade of APTO if the level of learning is optimal or medium.

In this subject these learning outcomes are specified as follows:

LO1. To understand the main concepts and generalizations about human society to know both the socio-institutional structure that maintains its stability and its processes of change and social transformation.

LO2. To distinguish the basic institutions and processes for the production and reproduction of society.

LO3. To recognize basic components of social inequalities and cultural differences.

LO4. To know social and political movements of society and familiarize themselves with the main theories on power, legitimacy and the State.

LO5. Ability to critically analyze and incorporate the most relevant issues and problems of today's society by applying sociological concepts and perspectives.

LO6. Ability to publicly present the results of an analysis on social reality




5.1. Teaching methods

Code Description
TM1 Lecture with full attendance
TM2 Interaction in large group
TM3 Interaction in medium-sized group
TM4 Interaction in small group
TM5 Individualised interaction: tasks and guidelines for autonomous study

5.2. Learning activities

Code Description Hours Attendance
LA1 Theory classes (foundation, examples, proven applications and developments) 45 100
LA2 Practical classes or, in the event, practical experience (in the field) 15 100
LA3 Preparation of papers and oral defence 30 10
LA4 Self-study 50 0
LA5 Tutorials 5 100
LA6 Oral or written exams 5 100



Learning Outome Asessment method Weight Possibility to retake (if fail)
R1, R2, R3, R4, R5,R6 Papers/Seminar/Labs 60 Only 30%  
R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 Final exam 40 Yes



THEME 1. A look, analysis and sociological utility.
THEME 2. Families, gender and identities.
THEME 3. Work, leisure and consumption.
THEME 4. Communication, global world and new technologies.



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

Andersen, Margaret, Taylor, H. (2016): Sociology. The essentials (9th edition). Belmont: Wadsworth

Giddens, Anthony; Sutton, Philippe (2017): Sociology (8th Edition), (p. 5-29). Cambridge: Polity Press.

Macionis, John J, Plummer, Ken (2018): Sociology (16th edition). Ed: Harlow, England Pearson. Available at:

Little, William (2012): Introduction to  Sociology ¿ 1st Canadian Edition. Available at:






Arrosadia Campus of the Public University of Navarra. For specific classroom, see the website of the Faculty of Humanities, Social and Educational Sciences.
