Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2021/2022 | Previous academic years:  2020/2021  |  2019/2020  |  2018/2019 
Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications Engineering at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 253302 Subject title: ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Basic Year: 2 Period: 1º S
Department: Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación
TAINTA AUSEJO, SANTIAGO (Resp)   [Mentoring ]

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Module/Subject matter

Basic formation / Physics

Fundamentals of electronics



This course is part of the area Fundamentals of electronics, which includes also the corresponding course in the second semester. Thus, the contents of Electronics Circuits are based on what the student has learned in this previous course. Also, it is advised that the student has also taken the course Signals and Systems I, as many of its proficiencies are required and its knowledge is assumed.

Electronic circuits covers the fundamentals of the materials employed in telecommunications and the most important electronic and photonic devices built employing them. From this concepts, the design of analog circuits will be studied. Also, some basic notions of electronic instrumentation and signal conditioning are included.


General proficiencies

G2. Teamwork

G3. Self-directed learning

G7. Capacity to conceive, design, implement and operate systems and services in the field of TIC

CB2. That students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated by developing and defending arguments and solving problems within their area of study

CB5. That students have developed the learning skills required to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy


Specific proficiencies

1.4 - Understanding and mastering the basics concepts of linear systems and related functions and transforms, electrical circuits theory , electronic circuits, physical principle of semiconductors and logic families, electronic devices and photonic devices, materials technology and its application to engineering problem solving.


Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student will be capable of:

  1. Describe the characteristics, operation and applications of the basic semiconductor devices (diodes, BJT, FET, etc.) as well as of the operational amplifier.
  2. Analyze single-stage and differential amplification stages, current sources, active loads, output stages and power amplifiers. Understand the feedback techniques used in electrical circuits.
  3. Efficiently simulate electronic devices and circuits and compare them with theoretical and experimental results.
  4. Select the most suitable electronic or optoelectronic component for a given application using the manufacturer's documentation.
  5. Apply the basic principles of competence 1.4 to the resolution of problems in engineering.
  6. Work in groups effectively, identifying the group's objectives and planning the work to achieve them, as well as assuming the responsibilities and commitments associated with the assigned task.
  7. Properly pose a problem from a proposed statement and identify the various options for resolution. To apply the most suitable method of resolution and identify the correction or not of such solution.



In the schedule prepared by the faculty, six hours per group are reserved weekly for the teaching of the course. Several of these hours (typically three or four hours weekly) are employed in the designated classroom, until completion of the planned theoretical classes (approximately 45 hours). During these sessions theoretical and participative lectures are included. Exercises solving sessions are alternated with the theoretical sessions to clarify the concepts studied. Exercises will be posed to the students to be solved autonomously, being its resolution a fundamental part for the correct assimilation of the theory.

The 15 hours of practical sessions in small groups will be devoted to experimental or simulation laboratory sessions where teamwork will be encouraged. These sessions are distributed along the semester and are included within the hours reserved by the faculty for the course.

Methodology - Activity Presential Hours Non-presential hours
A1.- Theoretical classes/participatory classes. Problems resolution 45  
A2.- Practical sessions in small groups 15 8
A3.- Exercises solving   25
A4.- Study and autonomous student work   59
A5.- Evaluation activities 6  
Total 66 84






Learning outcomes Evaluation system Weight (%) Possibility of resit
1, 2, 5, 7 Theoretical exams. At least a grade of 4 over 10 will be required to weight with the other evaluation activities. 75% yes
1, 5, 6, 7 Theoretical-practical exams. At least a grade of 4 over 10 will be required to weight with the other evaluation activities. 25% yes

Ordinary evaluation

The ordinary evaluation consists of two different parts: two theoretical exams of the contents studied during the lectures and two theoretical-practical exams of the contents studied during the laboratory sessions. The first two theoretical and theoretical-practical exams will take place mid-semester and the other two will take place at the end of the semester. To pass the course a qualification superior to 40% is required in all the evaluation activities. These exams can be remedied.

The execution of the evaluation activities is subordinated to the assistance and participation in all the laboratory sessions. The unjustified absence to any laboratory session will suppose the automatic failure of the course

The exams will take place in the dates determined by ETSIIT.

Extraordinary evaluation

The ordinary evaluation consists of two theoretical exams and two theoretical-practical exams that will allow to the student the repetition of those parts not passed in the ordinary evaluation. The conditions and the format are similar to the ordinary evaluation exams.

The exams will take place in the dates determined by ETSIIT.





  1. Introduction
  2. Basic circuits' theory. Single stage ampliiers
  3. The operational amplifier. Non-idealities. Circuits with the operational amplifier
  4. Electronic devices: diode and transistor.
  5. Amplifier stages with transistors. Current sources and active loads
  6. Differential amplifiers: the differential pair
  7. Output stages

Laboratory sessions

Five three-hours laboratory sessions are planned during the course where the most relevant applications of the course contents will be analyzed.


Experimental practice program

There will be 15h of experimental practice in the Basic Electronics Laboratory divided into 5 sessions:

1.- Integrators and derivators (3h)

2.- Comparators(3h)

3.- Multivibrators (3h)

4.- Non-ideal of the operational amplifier (3h)

5.- Transistor as an amplifier (3h)

The development of these practices will be subject to the health situation and will always be done in compliance with established health and safety regulations. If they cannot be carried out, these activities will be substituted with simulation activities.



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

Basic bibliography

Microelectronic Circuits (7th edition)
Adel Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith
Oxford University Press, 2011

Complementary bibliography

Electronic Circuits. Analysis, Simulation & Design.
Norbet R. Malik
Prentice-Hall 1995

Electronic Circuit Analysis and Desing 4ª Ed.
D. A. Neamen
MacGraw-Hill (2010).

Understanding Semiconductor Devices
S. Dimitrijev
Oxford University Press

Fundamentos de microelectrónica, nanoelectrónica y fotónica
J.M. Albella, J.M. Martínez, F. Agulló, Pearson
Prentice Hall (2005).



Classroom and Laboratorio de Electrónica Básica
