Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2018/2019
Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications Engineering at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 253302 Subject title: ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Basic Year: 2 Period: 1º S
Department: Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación
ELOSUA AGUADO, CESAR   [Mentoring ] TAINTA AUSEJO, SANTIAGO (Resp)   [Mentoring ]

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Module/Subject matter

Basic formation / Physics

Fundamentals of electronics



This course is part of the area Fundamentals of electronics, which includes also the corresponding course in the second semester. Thus, the contents of Electronics Circuits are based on what the student has learned in this previous course. Also, it is advised that the student has also taken the course Signals and Systems I, as many of its proficiencies are required and its knowledge is assumed.

Electronic circuits covers the fundamentals of the materials employed in telecommunications and the most important electronic and photonic devices built employing them. From this concepts, the design of analog circuits will be studied. Also, some basic notions of electronic instrumentation and signal conditioning are included.



Electronic devices and components. Basic electronic circuits. Analog circuits. Optoelectronic components.

It is highly recommendable to have passed the courses Fundamentos de Electrónca and Señales y Sitemas I.


General proficiencies

  • G2. Teamwork

  • G3. Self-directed learning

  • G7. Ability to conceive, design, implement and operate systems and services in the field of Information Technologies and Communication

  • CB2. Enable the students to know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess skills that tend to be demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and solving problems within their field of study

  • CB5. Enable the students to develop those learning skills needed to undertake studies with a high degree of autonomy 


Specific proficiencies

  • 1.4 - Understanding and mastery of the basics of linear systems and functions and transformed related, theory of electrical circuits, electronic circuits, physical principle of semiconductors and logic families, electronic devices and photonic, materials technology and its application for solving engineering problems.


Learning outcomes

  • Describe the different types of semiconductor materials and their properties.

  • Describe the characteristics, working principles and applications of basic semiconductor devices (diodes, BJT, FET, etc.) as well as the operational amplifier.

  • Understand the physical fundamentals and operation principles of photonic and optoelectronic components and devices.

  • Know the basic structure of LEDs, lasers, solar cells and photodetectors.

  • Analyze single-stage and differential amplification modules, active intensity sources, active loads, output stages and power amplifiers.

  • Understand the feedback techniques employed in electronic circuits.

  • Perform the simulation of electronic components and circuits and compare between the theoretical and experimental results.

  • Select the most adequate electric and opotelectronic components for a designed application, employing the documentation provided by the manufacturer.

  • Identify the main advantages and disadvantages of the most important logic families.

  • Correctly handle the tools, instruments and software applications available in the laboratories of the basic materials and properly carry out the analysis of the data collected.

  • Apply the basic principles of competence 1.4 to the resolution of problems in engineering.

  • Work in group effectively, identifying the objectives of the group and planning the work to achieve those objectives, as well as assuming the responsibilities and commitments associated with the assignment.

  • Schedule the recommended tasks in such a way that they are made in accordance with the guidelines set by the teacher and on time. Assess the degree of compliance with the objectives of learning and detect problems in the own educational progress.

  • Be capable of correctly outlining a problem based on its formulation, identifying the different resolution options and applying the most adequate to each case. Identify the right solution of the problem proposed.



In the schedule prepared by the faculty, six hours per group are reserved for the teaching of the course. Several of these hours (typically three or four hours weekly) are employed in the designated classroom, until completion of the planned theoretical classes (approximately 45 hours). During these sessions theoretical and participative lectures are included. Exercises solving sessions are alternated with the theoretical sessions, to clarify the concepts studied.  Exercises will be posed to the students to be solved autonomously, being its resolution a fundamental part for the correct assimilation of the theory. Additionally, a small amount of time will be devoted during each session for a brief overview of the most advanced or complex topics, being usually a group of students in charge of them.

The 15 hours of practical sessions in small groups will be devoted to laboratory sessions, experimental or simulation, and to the completion of the assigned tasks. This sessions are distributed along the semester and are included within the hours reserved by the faculty for the course.


Methodology - Activity Presential Hours Non-presential hours
A1.- Theoretical classes/participatory classes. Problems resolution 45  
A2.- Practical sessions in small groups 15 8
A3.- Cooperative learning activities 10 20
A4.- Study and autonomous student work   44
A5.- Evaluation activities 4  
A6.- Individual or group tutoring 4  
Total 78 72



Learning outcomes Evaluation system Weight (%) Possibility of resit
 Participation during the lectures. Resolution of exercises, problems, simulations individually or in groups, and delivery of the resolution to the teacher continuous  60 %  yes
 Group activities. Presentations of the completed activities.    40%  no


The ordinary evaluation of the course is based on the continuous evaluation during the semester. According to the evolution of the course, the objectives to be covered and the proficiencies to be acquired, two different parts will be considered:

A.- Participation during the lectures. Resolution of exercises, problems, simulations individually or in groups, and delivery of the resolution to the teacher.

This part corresponds to a 60% of the global score and can be remedied.

B.- Group activities. Presentations of the completed activities.

This part corresponds to a 40% of the global score and cannot be remedied.

The extraordinary evaluation of the course corresponds only to part A, which is the part that can be remedied. It is based on a written test of the topics covered during the course, including both theory and exercises. To be eligible for this evaluation, the student must complete the group activities of part B in the ordinary evaluation and deliver at least half of the exercises corresponding to part A in the ordinary evaluation.




Basic circuits' theory review

Materials technology. Semiconductor elements

Electronic devices: the PN junction, diode and transistor. Integrated circuits technologies

Optoelectronic components: emitters, detectors and optical amplifiers.

Single-stage amplifiers

Differential amplifiers: the differential pair

Current sources and active loads: the current mirror

Output stages



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

Title: Microelectronic Circuits (6th edition)
Authors: Adel Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith
Editorial: Oxford University Press, 2011
ISBN: 978019532303

Title: Electronic Circuits. Analysis, Simulation & Design.
Authors: Norbet R. Malik
Editorial: Prentice-Hall 1995
ISBN: 9780023749100

Title: Electronic Circuit Analysis and Desing 4ª Ed.
Authors: D. A. Neamen
Editorial: MacGraw-Hill (2010).
ISBN: 978007338064

Title: Understanding Semiconductor Devices
Authors: S. Dimitrijev
Editorial: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0-19-513186-X

Title: Fundamentos de microelectrónica, nanoelectrónica y fotónica
Authors: J.M. Albella, J.M. Martínez, F. Agulló, Pearson
Editorial: Prentice Hall (2005).
ISBN: 84-205-4651-8.

Title: Optoelectronics and photonics. Principles and practices
Authors: S.O. Kasap  
Editorial: Prentice Hall (2001).
ISBN: 84-205-4651-8.



Spanish, english.
