Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2021/2022 | Previous academic years:  2020/2021  |  2019/2020 
Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 252602 Subject title: NUMERICAL METHODS
Credits: 3 Type of subject: Mandatory Year: 3 Period: 2º S
Department: Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas
ARRARAS VENTURA, ANDRÉS (Resp)   [Mentoring ]

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Module/Subject matter

Module: Scientific-technological transversal module.

Subject matter: Further studies in Mathematics and Physics.



  • Numerical methods for linear systems: direct and iterative methods.
  • Numerical methods for nonlinear equations and systems.
  • Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations.
  • Numerical methods for partial differential equations.


General proficiencies

  • CG3: Knowledge of basic and technological subjects qualifying to learn new methods and theories, and providing versatility to adapt to new situations.
  • CG4: Problem solving proficiency with personal initiative, decision making, creativity and critical reasoning. Ability to elaborate and communicate knowledge and skills in the field of Industrial Engineering.


Specific proficiencies

  • CFB1: Ability to solve mathematical problems in engineering. Ability to apply theoretical knowledge of linear algebra, geometry, differential geometry, differential and integral calculus, ordinary and partial differential equations, numerical methods, algorithmics, statistics and optimization. 
  • CFB3: Proficiency to use and program computers, operating systems, databases and software with application in engineering.


Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student is able to:

  • LO1: Understand the basic principles and aims of Numerical Analysis.
  • LO2: Describe and use direct and iterative methods to solve linear systems and boundary value problems.
  • LO3: Describe and use fixed-point iteration methods to solve nonlinear equations and systems.
  • LO4: Describe and use Runge-Kutta methods and linear multistep methods to solve initial value problems and initial-boundary value problems.
  • LO5: Understand the applicability conditions for each method, and analyze and interpret its results.
  • LO6: Understand, run and modify simple programs written in MATLAB/Octave which implement the numerical methods under consideration.



Methodology - Activity
On-site hours
Off-site hours
A1: Lectures
A2: Practical sessions
A3: Self-study
A4: Exams and assessment
A5: Tutoring



Continuous assessment is considered along the semester based on the following activities:

Learning outcome Assessment activity Weight (%) Resit assessment
LO1, LO2, LO5, LO6 Midterm exam on Lessons 1 and 2 (minimum grade to be considered for passing the course: 3.5/10) 40 Yes (resit exam)
LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6 Midterm exam on Lessons 3 and 4 (minimum grade to be considered for passing the course: 3.5/10) 40 Yes (resit exam)
LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6 Assignments on Lessons 1, 2, 3 and 4 10 Yes (resit exam)
LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6 Active participation in the forum discussions 10 Yes (resit exam)

In order to pass the course, one of the following conditions must be fulfilled:

  • the grade of each individual midterm exam is not less than 3.5/10 and the weighted average of the grades of the midterm exams, the assignments and the participation in the forum discussions is not less than 5/10;
  • the grade of the resit exam covering the whole course (to be scheduled during the resit assessment period) is not less than 5/10.

If a student takes part in a number of assessment activities whose total weight is less than 50%, his/her final grade will be Absent.





  1. Introduction to Numerical Analysis.
    Preliminaries. Numerical differentiation.

  2. Numerical solution of linear systems.
    Matrix norms and conditioning. Direct and iterative methods. Application to the solution of boundary value problems.

  3. Numerical solution of nonlinear equations and systems.
    Fixed-point iteration methods. Newton's method. Quasi-Newton methods.

  4. Numerical solution of initial value problems.
    Runge-Kutta methods. Linear multistep methods. Stiff problems. Application to the solution of initial-boundary value problems.



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

Basic bibliography:

  1. R.L. Burden, J.D. Faires. Numerical Analysis. Brooks-Cole.
  2. J.D. Faires, R.L. Burden. Numerical Methods. Brooks-Cole.
  3. D. Kincaid, W. Cheney. Numerical Analysis. Mathematics of Scientific Computing. American Mathematical Society.
  4. A. Quarteroni, R. Sacco, F. Saleri. Numerical Mathematics. Springer.

Additional bibliography:

  1. C. Conde, G. Winter. Métodos y Algoritmos Básicos del Álgebra Numérica. Editorial Reverté.
  2. C. Moler. Numerical Computing with MATLAB. SIAM. Electronic edition:
  3. L.F. Shampine, I. Gladwell, S. Thompson. Solving ODEs with MATLAB. Cambridge University Press.
  4. L. Vázquez, S. Jiménez, C. Aguirre, P.J. Pascual. Métodos Numéricos para la Física y la Ingeniería. McGraw-Hill.






Lecture room building (Arrosadía Campus). The practical sessions will take place at the computer laboratory.
