Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2015/2016 | Previous academic years:  2014/2015 
Master of Science in Management, Organization and Business Economics
Course code: 72131 Subject title: Economics of Performance Measurement
Credits: 3 Type of subject: Mandatory Year: 1 Period: 2º S
Department: Business Administration
AROCENA GARRO, PABLO (Resp)   [Mentoring ]

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Module/Subject matter

Markets, Strategy and Performance



This course provides a theoretical and empirical overview of the economics of performance measurement with an special emphasis on the most recent advances and the main areas of research in the field. Based on the fundamentals of the economic theory of production, the lectures introduce and apply alternative approaches to performance measurement. The practical potential of these methods will be illustrated with a number of empirical applications drawn from a variety of firms and sectors. The course also introduces the student to the use of software packages specifically designed for efficiency and productivity estimation.



Production economics. Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. Frontier methods. Performance measurement. Index numbers.


Specific proficiencies

Specific skills

CE1 Understand, analyze and solve complex problems related to the efficiency of organizations by means of advanced tools of economic analysis of the firm.

CE1.1 Achieve a good command of the theory of production, theory of index numbers and the different competitive strategies.

Transversal skills

CT1 Communicate results of research using varied means to diverse audiences.

CT2 Have a good command of the technical and software tools required to carry out applied studies.

CT3 Identify sources of relevant information and its contents for its subsequent analysis.

CT4 Develop an ethical, social and environmental commitment.

CT5 Ability to work with multidisciplinary and international teams.

CT6 Develop a critical and constructive thought on assessing your own work as well as the work of others.


Learning outcomes


RE1.1 To understand the theory of production and economic performance.

RE5.2 To assess the behavior and performance of firms in the market.

RE17.2 To identify improvements to production processes in order to increase the value added created by the enterprise.




Methodology-Activity In-class hours Self study hours
Lectures 18  
Practical sessions 5 10
Problem sets   6
Presentation and discussion of papers 2 6
Individual study   25
Exams 3  
  28 47
Total 75



Final grades are based on performance on:

Problem sets and participation: 25%

Class presentation: 20%

Midterm test: 20%

Final exam: 35%



1.- Review of Production Economics and performance analysis.

2.- Efficiency Measurement: Data Envelopment Analysis.

3.- Efficiency Measurement: Stochastic Frontier Analysis.

4.- Productivity Measurement: Index Numbers and Malmquist Index

5.- Profits, costs, and profitability.



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.


T. Coelli, Rao, D.S.; O'Donnell, C. and Battese, G. (2005) An Introduction to Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. 2nd Edition. Springer.

Further readings:

· Cooper, W.W.; Seiford, L. and Tone, K. (2000) Data Envelopment Analysis. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

· Kumbhakar, S.C. and Lovell, C.A.K. (2000) Stochastic Frontier Analysis. Cambridge University Press.

· Fried, H.O., Lovell C.A.K. and Smith, S. (2008) The Measurement of Productive Efficiency and Productivity Growth. Oxford University Press.






Universidad Pública de Navarra and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
