Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2020/2021
International Double Bachelor's degree in Economics, Management and Business Administration at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 176803 Subject title: ECONOMICS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Mandatory Year: 4 Period: 2º S
Department: Economía
AGUIRRE OSA, IDOIA   [Mentoring ]

Partes de este texto:


Module/Subject matter

International Economics



The content of this subject is developed over 11 chapters.

The first three chapters deal with general issues, such as the EU institutional system, Community law, the Community budget and decision making.

Then, in the following five chapters a wide set of community policies are studied. Throughout them we work on understanding the most relevant community interventions, such as agricultural, regional and cohesion, competition, trade and environmental.

Finally, in the last three chapters, the Monetary Integration process up to the introduction of the euro and the international dimension of the European Union are studied, with special emphasis on the role of the euro at the international level.

In summary, it is about offering the student an overview of the most relevant elements of the European Union, studied from an economic perspective. This is intended to answer several questions, such as: What is the EU, from an economic point of view? What does it do in the economic field? How does it work? What are some of its most relevant consequences?


  1.  History
  2.  Facts, law, institution and the budget
  3.  Decision making
  4.  The common agricultural policy
  5.  Location effects, economic geography and regional policy
  6.  EU competition and state aid and policy
  7.  EU trade policy
  8.  EU Environmental policy
  9.  The history of European monetary integration
  10.  Optimun currency areas
  11.  The European monetary union


General proficiencies

GP01. Ability to analyze and summarize

GP04. Writing and Speaking in English

GP06. Ability to manage information

GP09. Teamwork skills.

GP10 Working in an interdisciplinary team.

GP11. Work in an international environment

GP17. Autonomous learning

GP18. Ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

GP20. Leadership


Specific proficiencies

SP01  Understand economic institutions are as a result and application of theoretical or formal representations about how the economy works.

SP02  Identify the sources of relevant economic information and its content.

SP05  Write advisory reports on specific economic situations (international, national or regional) or sectors.


Learning outcomes

LO10. International Economics: international trade and basic rules governing multilateral trade.

Learning Outcome 1 - LO1. To know the Community institutions and the community tools linked to the economic integration.

Learning Outcome 2 - LO2. To understand the theory of the economic integration and its empirical evidence.

Learning Outcome 3 - LO3. To know and evaluate the effects of changes in the main European Union policies like trade, competition, regional and agricultural policy, among others.



Methodology-Activity                       In-class hours                         Outside-class hours

A-1 Theoretical sessions                      44

A-2 Practical sessions                          12

A-3 Reading and documents study                                                              20

A-4 Individual/self-study                                                                            64

A-5. Exams                                        04                                                   06

A-6 Individual tutorial sessions

Total                                                  60                                                   90



Learning outcomes Evaluation system Weight (%) Recoverable nature
R10, RA1,RA2,RA3 Assessment 1. Exam of contents and evaluation of individual work: Required minimum grade to release this part of the subject 3.5/10 (weight 30%) and that the average with the final exam should be at least 5/10.  Final exam. Exam of contents and evaluation of individual work at the end of the semester. Required minimum grade to release this part of the subject 3.5/10 (weight 40%) and that the average with the first assessment should be at least 5/10. 70% Yes*
R10,RA1,RA2,RA3 Development of assignments to be given in to the instructor and could be discussed in class 30%       No
  • To pass the course, it should be required that average between assessment 1 and final exam would equal at least to 5/10. Students under this minimun required should develop an extraordinary assessment with the total contents of the subject.



  1.  History
  2.  Facts, law, institutions and the budget
  3.  Decision making
  4.  The common agricultural policy
  5.  Location effects, economic geography and regional policy
  6.  EU competition and state aid and policy
  7.  EU trade policy
  8.  EU Environmental policy
  9.  The history of European monetary integration
  10.  Optimun currency areas
  11.  The European monetary union



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

Main reference:

  • Baldwin, R. and Wyplosz Ch. (2020): The Economics of European Integration. 6th Edición, Mc Graw Hill, United Kingdom.


Other references:

  • Jovanovic, M.N. (2015): The Economics of International Integration. 2th edition, Edward Elgar, United Kingdom.
  • Camarero, M. and Tamarit, C. (Coord). (2019): Economía de la Unión Europea. 8th edition, Cívitas.
  • Molinas, C. and Ramírez F.  (2017): La crisis   existencial de Europa. Ed. Deusto.
  • European Parliament (2019):
  • Web  EU:
  • Papers related with the European Union policies.






Aulario Building, Campus Arrosadia, Public University of Navarre.
