Public University of Navarre

Academic year: 2017/2018
Bachelor's degree in Economics at the Universidad Pública de Navarra
Course code: 171001 Subject title: LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT
Credits: 6 Type of subject: Optative Year: 4 Period: 1º S
CAVERO BRUJULA, M. SANDRA (Resp)   [Mentoring ]

Partes de este texto:


Module/Subject matter

General Management / Organization and Human Resources



Keywords: Leadership Development, Happiness, Emotional Intelligence, Teamwork management, Negotiation.

Field: Organization and Human Resources, General Management.


General proficiencies

CG01 - Capacity for analysis and synthesis.

CG02 - Organizational and planning skills.

CG03, CG04 - Oral and written skills in English.

CG06 - Ability to search data and information from different sources.

CG07 - Ability to solve problems.

CG08 - Ability to make decisions.

CG09 - Teamwork ability.

CG14 - Critical thinking.

CG17 - Self-reliant learning.

CG19 - Creativity.

CG20 - Leadership.


Specific proficiencies

CE11 - Understanding the nature of the firm as an organization and a place of interaction of agents with different interests.

CE14 - Implementing policies and practices aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of business management.

CE19 - Applying techniques that increase the training, development and motivation of the human resources of the company.


Learning outcomes

General learning outcomes:

R_DG_04.- Acquiring knowledge on the foundations of Management Development.

R_DG_05.- Applying knowledge on Organizational Behavior to foster development at the individual level.

R_DG_07.- Knowing the foundations for conflict resolution and effective collaboration.


Specific learning outcomes:

SLO_1.- Knowing the key cornerstones of effective leadership.

SLO_2.- Being provided with an effective series of techniques to critically examine one's personal leadership style.

SLO_3.- Being endowed with research based academic background to outline a plan for personal growth as a leader.

SLO_4.- Knowing and applying the foundations of effective motivation, understanding the interactions between the rational and the emotional parts of the human brain structure.

SLO_5.- Understanding the keys of happiness and fulfillment both in personal and professional life.

SLO_6.- Proposing effective strategies to foster working environments that facilitate leadership development and personal growth of employees and colleagues.

SLO_7.- Being equipped with an effective set of tools to improve emotional, organizational and cultural intelligence.

SLO_8.- Designing high performance teams, knowing how to select, engage and optimize roles and responsibilities of its members in order to promote innovation and success.

SLO_9.- Being equipped with an action plan for effective negotiations which facilitates the convergence on mutually beneficial outcomes and strengthens long term relationships.




A temporary planning around 15 weeks is established to develop the 10 chapters of the course, which is organized around 3 parts. This facilitates the continuous work carried out by the students, as well as the permanent feed-back on their performance offered by the professor.


The course provides students with a set of tools that facilitate the achievement of the established learning outcomes in an online environment.


Each of the 10 chapters consists of several content modules, each of which includes the following elements:

  • An explanatory video made by the faculty, of about 5-10 minutes in length, that details the fundamental learning elements.
  • A set of external references of interest related to the subject matter: mainly scientific or informative articles and/or videos.
  • A test to facilitate the understanding of the acquired knowledge.


At the end of each chapter the following tools and materials are presented:

  • A discussion forum, allowing the permanent interaction of the students, with each other, and with the faculty, in order to resolve and discuss issues of interest related to the topic at hand.
  • An assessment test.
  • A short practice-oriented individual assignment.


Each of the 3 parts of the course ends with:

  • An assessment test on the contents of the whole part.
  • An individual activity designed to demonstrate the ability to synthesize the main ideas.
  • An individual assignment designed to show the student's ability to put into practice the acquired knowledge.


Finally, once all three parts of the course have been completed, students will be required to perform on:

  • A final assessment test.
  • A group project designed to show the ability of students to coordinate and negotiate with freely chosen teammates, in order to meet the requirements established by the professor.


Based on the methodology described above, the training activities to be carried out, and their weight in hours, are detailed below. All of them take place in a virtual environment.


Formative Activity Number of hours
A01. Viewing videos 7
A02. Material readings 30
A03. Comprehension tests 2
A04. Participation in discussion forums 5
A05. Individual office hours 1
A06. Individual study 25
A07. Assessment exams and tests 5
A08. Individual practical assignments 38
A09. Peer evaluation activities 10
A10. Synthesis activities 12
A11. Final group project 15




Learning Outcome Evaluation Activity Weight (%) Recoverable
R_DG_04 Professor registrations: Participation in forums and  rigor in peer evaluations 10% No
Synthesis of information activities: concept maps elaboration. 10% Minimum record required to be considered in the final mark = 5/10 No
R_DG_05 Individual peer-graded practice oriented assignments. 20% Minimum record required to be considered in the final mark = 5/10 No
R_DG_07 Sub-evaluation tests 10% Minimum record required to be considered in the final mark = 5/10 No
Final evaluation assessment 20% Recoverable by means of a written exam.
Group project 30% Recoverable by Delivering the corrected work according to indications and dates established by the professor


The grade "No presentado" corresponds to students without evaluation activities. It also corresponds to the students who have done one or several evaluation activities but those activities do not include the final evaluation assessment (or its retake exam) or participation in a group project.



P1. Perspectives on Leadership

C1. The Nature of Leadership

C2. Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition

C3. The Many Intelligences


P2. Understanding and Developing Personal Happiness and Leadership Capabilities

C4. Misconceptions about Happiness

C5. Superiority vs. Flow

C6. Dependence and Avoidance

C7. Controlling the Need to Control

C8. Trust, Distrust and the Course Within


P3. Teamwork and Negotiation

C9. Building an Efficient and Creative Team

C10. Effective Negotiation



Access the bibliography that your professor has requested from the Library.

  • Clawson, J. (2014). Level Three Leadership: Getting Below the Surface. Pearson Eds.
  • Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R., & McKee, A. (2013). Primal leadership: Unleashing the Power of Emotional Intelligence. Harvard Business Press.
  • Hunt, J. G. J., Dodge, G. E., Wong, L., Yammarino, F. J., Gardner, W. J., Avolio, B. J., & Walumbwa, F. O. (2015). Monographs in Leadership and Management. Emeraldinsight.
  • Pink, D. (2011). The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us. Riverheadbooks.
  • Raghunathan, R. (2016). If You Are so Smart Why Aren't You Happy: The Surprising Path from Career Success to Life Success. Random House.
  • Rao, S. (2007). Are You Ready to Succeed?: Unconventional Strategies for Achieving Personal Mastery in Business and in Life. Random House.
  • Thompson, L. (2014). Making the team: A Guide for Managers (5th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Thompson, L. (2015). The Mind and Heart of the Negotiator (6th ed). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
  • Waldman, D. A. and Balthazard, P. A. eds (2015). Organizational Neuroscience in Book Series: Monographs in Leadership and Management. Series editor: Yair Berson
  • Wren, J. T., Price, T. L., & HIcks, D. A. (2004). The International Library of Leadership. Editor: Elgar Publishing.






